Friday 8 April 2011


As a group we discussed that the title of the film would be best to go the the end of the opening. After speaking to Mr Henton he told us about a programme called LiveType which is a program that allows you to create a title using different effects.

After trying several different ways we finally came up with one that we thought looked good and best suited the genre. We also added an image to our distribution company to make it look more realistic.

Monday 4 April 2011


We completed the ending of our horror film. We also began to think about the names we had come up with for the title and narrowed it down to 'Unlocked'.

Wednesday 30 March 2011


We finished the rough opening of our horror film and began to think about what out title of our film should be, also what where we was going to add it and the type of effects we was going to use.

We added our rough ending onto a memory stick as a quicktime movie. We then produced a questionnaire about our opening and asked 8 sixth form students to watch our film and fill out the questionnaire. We did this because we thought it would help us improve our opening.

Evaluation of questionnaire

From the results of the questionnaire we were able to see that all 8 of our respondents though that our opening was a horror film. 6 of our respondents belived that it was a opening to a horror film while the other 2 though it was an ending and in the middle of the film. Also we was able to that 6 of our respondents would like to see the remainder of the film. When we asked what they liked about out opening of our film 6 of our respondents said they liked the music and sound effects. We also asked what the believe could be improved 4 of the respondents said that the text message could be longer so the audience could read it properbly. This was extremely helpful as it meant that we could go back and extend the clip of the message. The remaining respondents thought that the weather was a bit too bright for 6.45am.

Tuesday 29 March 2011


We uploaded the footage we filmed on the 28/03/11 and managed to get a further 1 minute and 11 seconds of footage from 12 clips. Once the footage was uploaded we began to edit them into out opening.

Monday 28 March 2011


At 3pm we went back to the location we have been filming at and began to film the ending. We was meant to have a male actor to be in the ending but due to personal reasons he was unable to attend. Therefore we had tried to make chloe our actress look like a man, we did this by giving her male trousers, shoes and jacket with a hood so her face wasn't seen.

Thursday 24 March 2011


We discussed ways to end our opening to our horror film and we came up with the following ideas..

After discussing each opening, we came to a decision that the most suitable and exciting ending to have is where somebody walks into Chloe's house and the opening ends on the mans hand on her bedroom door.
We continued to edit our opening and after today we believe that the opening has come together nicely. After learning different types of ways to add in credits into the footage we began adding more of them in over the top of our footage. Now all of the credits have been added into our opening.

Wednesday 23 March 2011


Today we discussed that we needed to start thinking about adding some of credits into our film opening so we wrote a list of credits down including the production companies, actors and actresses, executive producers, casting, screenplay, music by, costume design, director and finally the name of the film.

we started to add in the credits into the opening the production companies were at the very start of the film, one bing before our establishing shot and one after, for the next 3 credits we decided to have them on a black background in white text.

Tuesday 22 March 2011


Today we went onto the BBC website and then Radio 1 and began to listen to the breakfest show, using garageband we recorded approximatly 10 minutes of the breakfest show. We was extremely lucky as when we was listening the presentator of the breakfest show read out a text from a student saying that they have just got in from a wicked night out, luckily it was the similar time mentioned as the time on the clock we recorded previously. We all agreed that the breakfest show would be brillaint for our opening as it helps establish what the girl has been doing and the time it is so we added it in using finial cut express.

We began today to edit our footage together using a variety of clips to see what fitted together well and what didnt. We also remember to try and use a range of angles and shots to make it more interesting for the audience.

Monday 21 March 2011


During 1st period today we went and did some more filming, but this time Mr Henton decided to come with us to help us film because he had a few ideas that he thought would improve the footage.

We than uploaded the footage we taken earlier on and managed to get a further 4 minutes and 11 seconds of footage.

We went onto a website called '' as Mr Henton suggested it for sound effects and music. When browsing through several music peices and sound effects we found 4 relevant ones, these were called Urban Morning Noise, Spooky Ambience with Heartbeat, Bang Bang and Text Message. After downloaded these sounds we were able to add them into our horror film by using final cut express.

Tuesday 15 March 2011


We uploaded the footage we filmed on the 14/03/11 onto the Macs and managed to get 6 minutes and 46 seconds containing 56 clips. Mr Henton checked out footage and said it was much better than the previous times.

When we was looking back at the footage we realised that we needed to get a few more shots that we forgotten so after school we went back to the location and filmed the last few bits.

Monday 14 March 2011


My group got permission to leave school today at 2pm so we went to the location and began to film some more. This time we was able to get a wider range or shots and angles. As our location is on a busy street we rarely are able to film good enough quality of scenes but today we was lucky as the street was very quiet.

Wednesday 9 March 2011


Today we showed Mr Henton the footage we had recorded, he told us that there wasnt enough footage and there also wasnt enough angles or type of shots. So my group decided to it would be best to film some more footage.

Thursday 17 February 2011


We uploaded the the footage we filmed on the 14/02/11 onto the Macs. There was 5 minutes 25 seconds which included 39 clips of footage. So far we have approximatly 14 minutes of footage.

Monday 14 February 2011


Today we took a camera and tripod out and filmed some more footage, we managed to film the majority of the opening.

Thursday 10 February 2011


We started to upload out footage we previously recorded onto the Macs today. We managed to upload approximatly 5 minutes of footage which contained 36 clips. We than imported the second part of our footage which was 3 minutes 51 seconds containing 35 clips.

Wednesday 9 February 2011


We went into the libary today to collect a tripod and camera to film some more but Miss Georgeson was absent, so we had to find Mr Henton who gave us one of his camera's to use. We continued to film the remaining scenes with out actress Chloe Keenoo.

Monday 31 January 2011


Me and Harriet began to film our opening scene today, Brodie was ill so she couldnt participate. We was only able to film for a short time but managed to film 2 scenes, this was because out actress was short on time and needed to go.

Sunday 16 January 2011


Me and Harriet collected out group memory card from Mr Henton. We orignally planned to start filming but as Brodie was ill we couldn't begin to film.

We are planning on starting filming on the 24/01/11 or the 26/01/11