Sunday 14 November 2010


we started our storyboarding our ideas, we had to include shot number, the camera angle and camera movement, we only manged to do 6 shots.


my group began the pre-production stage. the first task was coming up with 2 completly different opening ideas.


we presented our idea and got tho go ahead. our idea is....


we was meant to be presenting the pitch but because i wasnt in there my grop couldnt do it


today my group carried on owrking on a pitch. we came up with ideas of cast location and names.


we were introduced to the pre production stage. The first task that needs to be completed is the pitch.
the pitch will be cone by the whole group and we need to come up with an idea of a teen horror film. the pitch will take place on the 1st of november and presented to chief executive officer of henton horrow films